Argument Co
Situation Television assemblers in Vernland are paid less than those in neighboring
Borodia. The number of televisions sold in Borodia has not dropped since its
tariffs on Vernlandian TVs were lowered three years ago, but the number of TV assemblers in Borodia has. So TV imports from Vernland have likely
Reasoning What assumption does the argument depend on? The fact that fewer
individuals in Borodia are working as TV assemblers is offered as evidence
that TV imports from Vernland into Borodia have likely increased. That piece of evidence is relevant only as an indication that the number of TVs being produced within Borodia has decreased. But a drop in the number of TV assemblers does not indicate a drop in the number of TVs being assembled if the number of TVs an average assembler puts together has increased. Thus,
the argument must be assuming that the average time it takes an assembler to put together a TV has not significantly decreased.
A. The argument does not rely on any information about the number of television assemblers in Vernland nor for that matter on the number of TVs assembled in Vernland.
B. The argument need not assume there is any difference in the features of the TVs produced in the two countries. Increased sales of Vernlandian TVs in Borodia could be due to any number of other reasons, such as price or quality.
C. Correct. If the average productivity of TV assemblers had increased significantly, the fact that there are fewer Borodian TV assemblers would not strongly support the
conclusion that there has been a decrease in the number of TVs assembled in Borodia and an increase in imports; fewer assemblers may be producing just as many TVs as before. Therefore, for the argument to work, it needs to assume that productivity per assembler in Borodia has not decreased significantly.
D. The argument does not depend upon this being so: Vernland’s domestic TV sales (or perhaps its exports to countries other than Borodia) may have decreased by more than its exports to Borodia have increased.
E. The argument’s conclusion addresses what has happened; the argument in no way relies on any assumptions about what may or may not happen in the coming years.

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